Welcome to 'The Beauty Occultist', an academically led space for the discussion of witchcraft, magick, beauty and ritual. Uncovering through theory and practice how these disciplines converge under the umbrella of occultism and esoteric study.
The intention is to create a space to delve into the tapestry of these intertwined disciplines, examining how ancient practices flow forward and influence modern ideologies, perspectives and aesthetics . This is a place for thoughtfulness, exploration and discussion. To uncover the underlying connections that influence beauty, identity and the self through an esoteric lens. Whether this takes the form of contextual explorations into the image of the witch, gender politics and religious misogyny - or an inward step into practice through herbalism and the craft. ‘The Beauty Occultist’ intends to offer a collision point. An opportunity to share perspectives and knowledge from various branches of occultist themes with the intention of moving associations and discussions away from commercial interpretations and stereotypes. Aspiring instead to contribute to a deeper, innately connected understanding of past, present and practice.